Thursday, 3 April 2014

Inside Scope: Royal Remarriage - How it all happened

With the old King Hamlet passing away just under two months ago, our Queen Gertrude has moved on and found a somewhat similar replacement- about weird! Claudius is the old King's brother,  which makes Gertrude his ...sister in-law wife. Yeah...

You would think they would be totally depressed but it seems like all of Denmark was more sad about the sudden death of the old King than his own wife and brother were!

At least they make a cute couple. This may even be a better match than before.

Claudius tried to sugarcoat the whole situation in his now famous speech ..props to him! Not many people can convince a mass population that incest is OK. Especially since Claudius and Gertrude broke the Chucrh's law of affinity.Well done, King!

You probably just had a 'hold on, King?' moment. Yes, you read that correctly. Claudius has overtaken the throne. Now you probably wonder, 'but how? Shouldn't Hamlet (the old King's son) become King?'. Well yes, but clearly this is not the case, sorry!

If you missed the King's Speech DO NOT PANIC! You can watch it at any time you like by clicking on the link, or watching it below. Enjoy!

Tell us what you think by commenting below :)
Denmark Royal Gossip

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